Saturday, September 7th, 2013
I was working at the Allure Lounge with Maybelline again.
I ended up being extra late for the event.
I walk to my bus stop and my mouth fell to the ground.
Look at this: My day started off a HOT MESS.
So I head to the nearest train stop and this happens>>
All the taxi's were full and there was only one bus coming every 15 minutes.
I was screwed and there was absolutely nothing I could do but wait for an empty bus.
So when I FINALLY arrived to work, a few good things happened:
Pink Berry was giving out free frozen yogurt cones,
I bumped into one of my fave models from Chicago, Megan Graveline,
I also bumped into Socialite and Fashion Blogger, Joy Adaeze,

and I saw a few more celebrities pass by heading to Lincoln Center.
Paris and Nicki Hilton
Kenya Moore, Former Miss America and co-star of Atlanta Housewives
Mr. Jay Manuel of ANTM and Wardrobe Stylist June Ambrose
and Ms.Jay Alexander of ANTM stopped and posed for everybody
So despite the craziness that happened that morning, it was an awesome day!
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