So I met Chadwick (better known as CLEONS) on modelmayhem.com in 2009. I have no idea HOW he found me out of all the artists in Chicago, but he asked me to be one of the artists for the 'CLEONS VS. NoRaL 2010' November 2009 fashion show. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I said, 'YES!' I brought my friend Clarissa Pierre along because she LOVES fashion SO much, I had a feeling she'd fit right in.
The day of the show, Chad didn't talk too much, but he just had that LOOK in his eyes. That look as if he'd say, "If you mess up, my eyes will cut you!
Seriously. Don't EVER mess up in front of this man! :)
Working with Chad AND NoRaL (Loran) I have to say was one of the most professional environments I have been in. Chad knows what he likes, he knows what needs to be done, and he knows that time is needed in order for it to be done properly. I really appreciate working with people that have a sense of themselves, their craft, their worth, and the worth of the people they work with. He may not know this because I don't speak too often about people I have worked with, but I really love working with him. Although he had the basic idea of what he wanted, he allowed me the creative freedom to do as I pleased. I think this helped open Pandora's Box... I feel less fearless in showing my full creative artistic capabilites.
Arie Jones, myself, and a majority of the CLEONS crew are having a promo shoot coming up this Saturday. It's going to be THE SHIT and it's about to go DOWN. That's all I can say. I'll post pics up soon as the shoot is complete!
He has a fashion show coming up on JULY 10th, 2010. MARK YOUR CALENDERS PEOPLE-->
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Location: DuSable Museum
Street: 740 East 56th Place
City/Town: Chicago, IL
You can find his designs and contact him here --->>
This is going to be a monumental, extravagent, avant garde, crazy and beautiful event. I'm really proud to be apart of it.
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